Friday, February 20, 2009

web critique #4-, artsedge kennedy,
this has become my favorite site yet with in the art education realm. i spent a good three hours straight exploring all the different resources offered. i've discovered this site in perfect timing for gathering information for my thesis. it has been a bit of a challenge finding information but i found a handful of very relevant articles related to my topic on this site. a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.... phew.
at first i was a little overwhelmed by all the information with in the different links. after some browsing i became more comfortable with the site. because i was able gain so much relevant information from this site i can see how it could be possible that the site has too much non-relevant information for other viewers. i really like the array of topics and sub topics on the left of the page (disciplines, populations, etc.). when searching for a specific interest these links are a great time saver. the site offers much updated news and events. but i did notice that many events listed are on the west coast. possibly that could be updated with east coast events as well. in addition to all the wonderful resources this site offers it also has a book store from which you can order from.
again... so happy i found this site! thank you!!
my first visit i took notice to the simple and clean design, great color palette, and i was not overwhelmed with many links. i liked this. but i do wish more was said about the site on the home page. just one or two sentences under the main title would suffice. i like the variety of art lesson plans, etc. not just visual art but music and theater as well. the teach tab offers so much useful information for school teachers. the connect tab offers a handful of links relevant for teachers in the classroom. the explore tab is a great feature. here is a great example of how to use technology in learning/teaching. here are interactive lessons, websites that i feel will put excitement into classrooms. i like the link that leads your to a whole list of art quotes. reading the quotes gives me a few free moments away from homework yet still inspiring. i also enjoy the calendar on the homepage giving attention to an artist born on that day. it's the little fun additions that bring me back to a site again.
right away i felt welcomed to the site. they explained who they were and what the site was about and was easy to access on the homepage. more sites need to do this rather than concentrating on design elements that keep this information from being displayed. to use this site you must sign up and become a member. i am always reluctant to sign into sites or create an account. this site doesn't offer much browsing with out being a member. i'd like to look around the site before signing up- not much leway to do that. from the tabs and links there seems to be a lot of great information but i feel at this point i will search for other sites with similar information before signing up.


  1. the CAN site has been getting a great response fro so many of you, especially as a thesis resource. and it sounds like the other two sites were also helpful and useful for you. the membership thing is kind of a pain at times, but for some organizations and sites, it allows them to track their users and provide a better overall experience. or at least that's what's supposed to happen. :)

  2. the membership thing turned me off from the arted2.0 site too. but the CAN site is tremendous - we should remember to share it with our thesis class too if we haven't already.
