Friday, March 13, 2009

web critique #7-
i have visited this site numerous times since moving to chicago. i like to be in the know of current exhibits in the city whether i can find time to see them or not. the main page is great. i like the non-stop moving images and text. i am attracted to the movement which then encourages me to read the information. also on the main page is area dedicated to planning your visit which provides a link to useful information. i found that it takes a few clicks to find the price of the museum. that is something i always search for when visiting museum sites since i am on such a tight budget. it gives decent information on current and past exhibits. i would love to see more images associated with those exhibits though. i was surprised that there was a lot of great educational resources on the site, including podcasts. the interactive section is great! there are games and quizes and ecards (i love sending ecards, well mainly someecards). i love sites that have a fun aspect to them because searching just information can become dull and i need some entertainment. looks like there are many great activities and events for children and their families. the design, color pallette, and lay out is fitting and effective for the museum. in addition, yours truely in under the photo section for the first friday event :) first fridays an okay time. a bit pricey and a bit of a meat market but i always enjoy the museum setting out of it's orginal centext.

1 comment:

  1. i have always had mixed feelings about the mca site, but i think recently they've been doing a good job of creating a brand for themselves and still providing content on their site. overall it sets itself apart from something like the AIC site with a 'hip' factor, but an issue they encounter because of this is becoming dated and needing to constantly revamp itself. overall though, a solid site. let's see whether the museum itself holds up in comparison. :)

    and cool, you're on the first friday galleries! i commend your bravery in sharing.
